Welcome to the Library!
Updated June 21, 2022:
As of March 21, 2022, the Province of Nova Scotia has removed public health orders that require masking and social distancing in indoor public spaces.
While no longer required, voluntary masking, social distancing, hand-sanitization, and self-testing can help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 in our community. Free masks are available at our service desks.
What else is new?
- In-person programming has returned. Check our events calendar to see what we have planned for you.
- Toys and other playthings are out for use in our youth spaces.
- We are gradually bringing back furniture and computer stations.
- Community meeting rooms are available for bookings.
- Eating and drinking are allowed.
It is more important than ever to monitor yourself for symptoms and stay home if you feel unwell. Library Take-Out, our Digital Library, and virtual programming are here to help.
Rapid test kits for COVID-19 are also available at all locations and are free to pick up and take home. If you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, please have a family member or friend pick up a kit for you. We recommend that you call ahead to ensure adequate supply.
Our Status of Library Service changes based on the latest public health and safety regulations and recommendations.
How Library Take-Out Works
Library Take-Out is our contactless pick-up service!
- Place your holds online or contact your local branch for assistance.
- If you’ve received notice that your holds are ready (via phone or email), go to your pick-up location and call the number listed on the Library Take-Out sign outside the branch.
- A staff member will bring the items out to you.

Digital Resources
Your library card gives you 24/7 access to millions of digital resources online, from ebooks and movies to learning programs and helpful reference materials.

Virtual Events
From virtual story time, to gaming tutorials and learning conversational English, our online events are always changing. Check back often to see what’s happening, virtually, for children, teens and adults.