Digital Library
Your library card gives you 24/7 access to millions of digital resources online, from ebooks and movies to learning programs and helpful reference materials.

Access OverDrive’s collection of more than 2 million digital titles—e-books, audiobooks, e-magazines, and videos. Browse curated collections; search by author, title or series; even try a sample—then borrow items to enjoy anywhere, anytime.
Access OverDrive anytime on your mobile or tablet, too, with the handy Libby App for Android and Apple devices.

Tumble Books Library
TumbleBooks offers animated, talking picture books kids can read or listen to online. Choose from over 300 popular and award-winning books. No downloading, no waitlist.
Note: All content formerly available on TumbleBookCloud Junior has been moved to TumbleBooks!

Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet or phone – and even your TV! Download the Hoopla app or visit Hoopla Digital to get started. Limit of 5 titles per month.

Cochrane Library
Get informed about your health. The Cochrane Library has several databases packed with high-quality, independent summaries of health-related research, including systematic reviews of available evidence on a variety of topics—plain language recaps included.

PressReader provides access to full content newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries in more than 60 languages and is available on your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Please note: When accessing from home, not all newspapers and magazines will be available. To log in, simply click the ‘Sign In’ button, and then select ‘Library or Group,’ and search for Colchester-East Hants Public Library to log in with your library card number.

Rocket Languages
Learn a language online, at your own pace. You can track your progress and test your understanding.
You can access interactive lessons for Arabic, French, German, Mandarin, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, American Sign Language, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, English for Spanish Speakers, English for Japanese Speakers, or Russian.
Rocket Languages works in your browser or you can download iOS and Android apps.