Truro Library
754 Prince Street
Truro, NS B2N 1G9
Branch Managers: Jenn Atkinson & Lesley Brann
(902) 895-4183
Directions to Location

Wheelchair Accessible


24-hour Book Return


Public Computers

Printing & Scanning

3D Printing

Meeting Rooms


Media Lab

Art Exhibits

Bike Rack

AED Machine
Information About Your Branch
The Truro location serves as headquarters for the Colchester-East Hants Public Library and is located in the Provincial Normal School building. The Normal School was constructed in 1878 and was home to teacher training until 1961. Students came from all over North America and graduates taught in every part of the province. The building is now a protected heritage building, and was even featured on a Canadian Stamp in 1994.
The Community Enhancement Association’s (CEA) African Nova Scotian Room (Orange Room) is located at the Truro Branch. The CEA is an organization focused on improving connectivity amongst the community, they offer a free community space to groups or individuals from the local African Nova Scotian Community. Complete a booking request.